Heading slowly back to Picton
Date: 23 Feb 2023
Grade: 2
We thought we should complete the last portion of the Kawitiri trail, the part that ends at Charleston, then follow the road as far as we could, to the lagoon nearly, so we’ve covered the route. We also went up the Nile River and hiked along the trail to the Te Ananui Cave which can only be entered with a guided tour.
Max elevation: 52 m
Min elevation: -5 m
Total climbing: 479 m
Total descent: -476 m
Total time: 04:21:43
Date: 25 Feb 2023
Grade: 2
A little trip up to a large Golden Delicious apple tree, and another “first local electricity generating plant in NZ”. The road carries onto the Maruia Pass Rd which is very highly rated, but it would have been too far for a return trip.
Max elevation: 288 m
Min elevation: 168 m
Total climbing: 526 m
Total descent: -524 m
Total time: 03:25:32
Rotoroa via Braeburn Track
Date: 26 Feb 2023
Grade: 2
A helluva climb with a great secluded DOC camp to hide in. Photos also include Rotoiti the next night.
Max elevation: 684 m
Min elevation: 182 m
Total climbing: 725 m
Total descent: -448 m
Total time: 04:29:32
Hi, Just going through you North Island bike ride. Just got to the first day. How will you charge your batteries in Hutatere? It seems that there is only a basic camp there with only enough power to charge a cell phone. Thanks! Love the schedule!!!
They say they have full power, with have cabins and self catering
I just realised I hadn’t replied. Gabi at Hukatere drove our batteries 15km to where she could get them chaarged and then went back for them. we gave her $30 for her trouble and gas. I’m just writing a summary and I’ve got a few changes I would make up there thsat I’ll include